

So I dropped the gauntlet. I have suggested to a couple of dog trialling people I know are foodies, that we engage in a little friendly competition to see who has the best summer recipe. I am certain that it is not me, however, it seemed like a great way to get some new recipe ideas.

Guidelines, are as follow:

1) it must be YOUR RECIPE !!! i don't want to see your dish on the food network.  If, Ina, Bobby, Alton, or someone on there makes "your dish" you LOSE.
2) You get to submit two recipes
3) The contest ends at the Calgary Stampede where a bottle of wine goes to the winner.
4) I get to put your recipe up here on my blog.

I suggest we make each others recipes, but that is going to be up to you ladies.  Each of decides on the others dishes and then vote on the winning dish.

There now that crap is out of the way here is my first submission.  It's a kinda healthy dish, which is unusual for me as anyone who knows me can attest.  No one will ever accuse me of being orthorexic .  (told you I would find a use for that in my blog) I do like good food, and just because it's good for you doesn't always mean it tastes like crap. (though that is usually the case)

On Second thought . . . .I need something better than this for the competition.


  1. What is the side dish? Is that some sort of couscous?

  2. Oh, one more question - what constitutes a summer dish? Is it a dish that uses ingredients in season in the summer? Yeah, I'm that anal. :-)
