
Women's Lib' Finally Peaked

Is this the Greatest movie ever??? "Bitch Slap"  Is without question the peak of women's empowerment.  With a cast of characters with names ranging from Boom Boom,Joyride,Camaro, and of course "Roxy" these talented ladies rampage across the desert "Thelma and Louise" Style (with considerably less clothing) delivering gems like "I have a photojournalistic memory." 

Unfortunately, there doesn't seem to have been much of a budget and most of special effects seem to have been blown on the "enhancements" the ladies possessed. Oh, Did i mention the water fight, how about deputy FUCHS pronounced fukes, and I can't leave out the Pole dancing shovel scene. 

Don't worry i haven't spoiled anything. . .Find this movie and enjoy.

Guns Blazing, Popcorn flowing ---CLASSIC CINEMA

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